3dEmall Future

Links to Current Projects

3dEmall was the original virtual reality shopping mall programmed in Java3D. The basic engine was used by many game platforms in the 1990s and math is still used today.

Currently we are working with several platforms to bring out new technologies in health and wealth. You can follow some links below to find out what is currently in process or about to be developed.

The goal is to create a network for shopping using cryptocurrencies tied to Intellectual Property Files (IPF) connecting real world assets to proof of ownership.

If you are looking for a way to change your physical body expiration date, then start with the following links:

These videos will link to everything you need to know about the products and how to obtain them.  They also link to the Bigger Check Videos.

If you are looking for a way to change your lifestyle on a part- or full-time basis, then check out the following links:

The above videos will lead you to everything you need to know about the business including the products involved.

Additional websites include:

You can check me out at Genus Enterprises

Copyright 2022: Genus Enterprises LLLP All Rights Reserved.